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There are tens of thousands of websites offering free online games for those who want to have some fun online or find friends online. Don't believe me? Make a simple search through your favorite search engine and you'll see the vast amount of websites offering free online games. Finding friends through online games is easy and simple because you get to understand each other while playing games and connect with each other through the website's chat or communicate function available right there in the website.
Although not all online games website requires you to sign up in order to play their online games, some websites do require a simple sign-up. The information that you input into the online games website will become your member's profile. Other members will be able to view your profile. Your likes, dislikes, favorite games, favorite movies, location (not address, please. Never enter your complete address online, anywhere), and personal characteristics will help you find friends through online games.
Engaged in a competitive battle with each other, you are in a better position to gauge the kind of person that your opponent is, for instance, is he/she an aggressive person? Is he/she a strategically-minded person who is capable of planning everything from scratch? What is his/her favorite character and how does he/she use that online game character to his/her benefit?
The reason why finding friends through online games is easy is because there are forums and chat rooms that online game fans can use to connect, share tips, communicate, make alliance, and chat with online. They share a common interest, a common goal...and the online games that they like become the foundation for their friendship. Not only do they battle it out playing online games but they essentially turn into friends after chatting and communicating with each other.
It's also safer finding friends through online games. Because the common interest is online games, basically, they just want to have some fun online and not lurk around endangering the lives of others. Although we should still be careful about revealing too much of ourselves online, we generally feel safer when we make friends through online games.
You not only make new friends through online games, you can also connect with and play online games with your friends without having to visit an internet café. Even if your friends have gone to college or are working elsewhere in the world, you can still log on at the same time and enjoy a couple of hours of fun, unbridled fun through online games.
Dakota Caudilla, journalist, and website builder Dakota Caudilla lives in Texas. He is the owner and co-editor of [http://www.toy-fun.net] on which you will find a longer, more detailed version of this article.
When we refer to online games we are normally referring to video type games that we play on a computer via the internet. Some video games are played over the internet using mobile phones and video consoles, but generally speaking online games means computer games that need an internet connection to be played. Simple text-based multiplayer games were the first of these types of games as internet connections were slow and expensive when these games were first introduced in the 1980s. Gradually these games became popular in the 1990s, with today's online games featuring virtual communities, realistic graphics and multiplayer games where people can even play one to one or in knock out tournaments for cash prizes. We all know that the internet is the fastest growing market place in the history of the world but did you know that there is an online games sector that is growing 4 times faster than the internet overall! Yes! and it's the "Online Skill Games" market.
There are many styles of Online Games
Some of the different types of online games that exist:
1. Real time strategy games: This type of game is all about strategy where, for your army to fight successfully against the other internet players you need to develop a game plan by building lots of resources
2. First person shooter: Here the players compete with each other one to one. In most first-person type games, the online game allows the death match or arena style of play. In this style of game play the view you see is the one seen from your character's eyes.
3. Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games (MMORPG): In this type of game each person has to keep trying to reach the next highest level until he has reached the top one written for that game and these online games can have, simultaneously, thousands of players from every part of the globe, playing in a giant virtual world interacting against or with each other. Gamers can keep playing these types of games for months or even years!
4. Browser type games: These are pastime games that are quick, simple and small that are played in your browser. The popular Java and Shockwave technologies are used to develop these games.
5. Online skill games: An online skill based game is a web game played in tournament format or one to one. Each player pays a cash entry fee to play with a cash or merchandise prize going to the winner or winners. The outcome of each competition is based on the player's ability and performance not luck.
How Do Online Game Companies Make Money
All games today, are playable online. How do we make money? This is the question that companies making the online games have to ask themselves. The majority of companies make single-player games that are played at home and in this the player has to beat the artificial intelligence of the enemy. Today these games normally include an online multiplayer version which can be played against or with other Internet players. By selling their game DVD/CDs is how these companies earn their profit e.g. Warcraft 3 and Counter Strike. Advertising and promotions is how browser game companies make their money. MMORPG companies generally charge their players a monthly fee and continue to add content by programming new scenarios etc in their games e.g. Everquest 2 and World of Warcraft. Some don't, but survive because their DVD/CD sales are high e.g. Guild Wars.
What is the future of online games?
Soon there will be a new entry into the online skill games market. According to their Free Online Games Market Report they will be the first company with their new online skill games platform, to launch a business that encapsulates three of the newest phenomena on the internet today. Online Games Entertainment, Social Networking using web 2.0 and a new way of marketing which has been described as Social Marketing 2.0. One of the core differences with this new platform over the conventional models is that we the players can if we want share in the profits while we play our games. With the market today (2007) worth approximately $5.2 billion USD and predicted to rise in the next 3 years to over $13 billion USD that's $412 per second and with social networking sites already reaching 45% of web users and the 4 major Instant Messengers having more than 400 million users between them this potentially could be a whole lot of money.
Ian Woods
To read the Free Online Skill Games Market Report mentioned in the article above you can view or download it from [http://www.uVmeGamesMaster.com]
Online games are the games that can be played with the help of Internet technology. There are mass varieties of net games to choose with. You can play complicated games promptly with the help of a rapid Internet connection. These games rely on Internet as well as technology develops them very quickly. Through online gaming, you can subjugate a rival of such a nature who doesn't yet live in this world.
You can classify online games into 4 groups such as games that are played with the help of email, text-based games, games that are played directly by a browser window easily at web address and vastly graphical visual games with the help of a stand-alone software packages that allow the client to play together or against each other through an Internet link like counter-strike, world of war-craft and ever-quest. Counter Strike, Quake, Half Life and War Craft are the leading names in the market of Online Multiplayer Game where numerous instant messaging customers also join in large numbers with their individual games.
When did Internet gaming begin? Even though quake-world was very popular for online games during 1996 but the Internet was initially being came into action for playing multi user dungeons and email games still when the Internet was in its early years. In 1978 first time Roy Trubshaw and Richard Bartle created the multi user dungeons at Essex University.
What do I require to start playing Online games? To start playing online games initial requirement is an Internet connection after that you will require to select from a developing range of hardware that ranges from individual computers to consoles for playing games. This can be depending on the nature of games that you prefer to play. Lastly you require the software necessary for that game and for an online-only game you need an account as well as the game suppliers.
For some other cases, a system like X-Fire or Game-Spy is the most suitable method to get energetic hook up or game servers among other players. While playing Internet games, you must download with the accurate plug-in that matches with your browser because accurate plug has numerous Graphics. In case your Internet link is sluggish, then it will certainly take more time in loading.
What are the most popular online games? In case you comprise with free of charge games and browser games, it will be not easy to reply this in a few words. Arcade games, pool and card games and gambling games all are tremendously admired between Internet clients. One type of marketable titles that can be extremely victorious online would contain Half-Life, Counter-Strike, Quake, Ultima, Ever-Quest, Lineage and World of War-craft.
How do Online games work? The working of online games depend mostly on the type of game you're discussing about, in other way in a nutshell, they apply Internet technology to moreover permit populace to play a game in a straight line in a Web browser, permit two or more than two players to take part in the similar game from far-flung physical locations, or together
The latest videogame news, reviews and previews. Online gaming is a world of fun and any one can join in on the action. Visit http://justonlinegamesblog.com
Everybody wants to relax after a hard day's work. On the other hand, everybody wants some mental stimulation after a monotonous day. Online games, thanks to the internet, can provide both - relaxation and mental stimulation!
Survey results suggest that women over forty spend nine hours a week playing online games, whereas men spend nearly six hours per week. Results also showed that 54 percent of adults play to release stress and 20 percent of teenagers play for relaxation. Online games have hence shown to be gaining popularity across all age groups! The reason is simple - you get to participate in this entertainment mode which is either free or comes at extremely affordable rates.
Online computer games are here to stay and are now creating a great sense of excitement among people. The popularity of fun online games soared in the 1990s and with the advancement of internet and its increasing global reach via fast paced broadband, the trend is going even higher. And now with the recent improvement in graphics and sound, these games have become a real source of entertainment, competing even with television and cinema! The benefits of online games are also becoming largely known to people. It has been proved that online games help to improve your memory and eye coordination, besides letting you have loads of fun and relaxation.
So why are online games scoring over other forms of entertainment? Well, that's because they involve much more fun! Of course, the audience can be a part of all the action and this participation adds to the real excitement. People can chose from a variety of fun online games available and believe me, there are plenty of options to suit different tastes and preferences. There are options of playing a variety of flash games free of cost as well. This means people can now enjoy games without the fear of losing any money.
Fun online games include a variety of brainteasers as well. Brain teaser games can get your mind in motion and also be a lot of fun. They are the perfect source to keep you busy and challenged. Some of the highly popular brainteasers are like Sudoku games. The online version is of course more technically advanced, user friendly and exciting than the paper version. And as is the case with most online games, they are more environmental friendly as they do not involve wastage of tonnes of paper! Other such games include word challenge games that can help you improve your vocabulary and language skills. Besides such skill based games, there are online puzzles which are also becoming extremely popular. These include assembling work and solving riddles and have various levels of difficulty. Such games no doubt are a great source of refreshment and are very challenging and entertaining.
One example of a popular fun flash game is Python. The game involves eating as many mice as possible without touching the walls of your cage or crashing against your own tail. The snake is quite swift so one needs to react fast in order to score more points. There are many similar games that can entertain you and are available from large online databases all over the web.
So, whether it's free or whether it involves placing wagers and winning, online games today offer a wide range of options to choose from. Action packed thrillers, brainteasers with puzzles and riddles, skill based games involving pace and sharpness of mind or plain and simple relaxant exercises - you name it and the internet has the option available for you in a variety of forms. Full of fun, with a lot of challenge, refreshment and mental stimulation! Yes, if you need a break, online games is the way to go!
Tom Gee is a full time internet marketer living in Cardiff, South Wales, UK. For more information visit his Fun online games and euromillions websites.
The future of Gaming has changed forever
Your probably aware of the Phenomena that Online Gaming is producing across the Globe, combine this with the rise of Social Networking and you have a potent mix with viral potential.
These two markets are exploding, firstly Online Gaming and Entertainment is huge its popularity is due to timing. The demand is driven by peoples increasing leisure time being spent in "cyberspace".
Coupled with PC Ownership and broadband available globally Online Gaming is growing exponentially, even less developed countries are using Internet Cafes to follow their passion for Online Gaming. So it's a Global Phenomena reaching small villages in many of the most under developed countries.
There is another part to Online Gaming because of interaction when playing against someone on the other side of the planet, you start to socialise online building a community of like-minded friends.This can quickly build in large numbers.
Websites like "MySpace" and "Facebook" are transforming the landscape of social networking and large numbers of Gamers are swelling these new online Online Gaming communities.
Skill-Based Online Gaming
A web game played in a tournament, with each player paying a cash entry fee to play, and with a cash or merchandise prize going to the winner or winners of the tournament. Skill-based games are named accordingly because the outcome of each competition is based on the player's ability and performance, with any elements of luck eliminated or greatly reduced. This is critical, in order to be legal and avoid falling under anti-gambling statutes.
Figures indicate that Online Gaming is affecting television ratings, the large broadcasters are seriously worried about this and are trying do develop income streams through Online Gaming to capture this new market. Analysts predict 70% year in year increases and revenues of $1 billion dollars in three years time.
We all play games across all age ranges and genders, and it transcends all cultures because it is part of the human spirit...we have a need to compete with others and with ourselves. People play games not so much for the game itself but for the experience the game creates: an adrenaline rush, a victory or a mental challenge, they may even provide a moment of solitude or an interaction with friends.Online Gaming is fuelling this trend
In short, we play games to create moment-to-moment experiences which are fun Online Gaming has become commonplace and its future is huge.
Graham Herbert is a seasoned Gamer who specialises in content management and building Websites for established companies. "The NewTrend in online gaming and social networking is massive the next couple of years will be the foundation stone of Gaming"
Now we see thousands of people playing online games such as tetris, ping pong, mario bros, super mario etc for free but despite its history dating back to 1970s, for most people online gaming began with the explosion of Internet in 1993 and with the advent of Doom and Warcraft sometime in 1994 or 1995. This got further boost with publishers starting to add Internet connectivity to computer games in 1994-95.
The media, in fact, have themselves been ignorant about online games history. As far as they are concerned, online gaming just coincidentally happened when their advertisers started producing Internet-capable games. But it isn't so...
Early Years of development
In early 1950's a college student created a game much like Tic-Tac-Toe for a class project to be played on dinosaur computers of those days complete with cathode ray tubes for the screen display. The 1960's had MIT students programming a game called "Space war" that could be played with two people over a primitive network. The late 1960's brought the first "real" video games like table tennis and shooter games.
The 70s - the game begins
Serious online gaming began with the first interactive online game called ADVENT. In fact networked gaming got conceptualized with ADVENT. Networked gaming had users playing against each other within an online fantasy world. The first networked game was called Mazewar, a game which involved networked players traveling through a maze and attempting to kill one another.
Next came the interpersonal interaction in a multi-player environment. The first such game was called DUNGEN. DUNGEN had players competing against one another to complete a series of quests. DUNGEN provided with new settings and players each time the user logged on.
The late 1970's saw the start of video game craze with more and more households getting computer savvy. As a natural corollary, people started writing their own games for the home computers. These programming hobbyists traded and sold these home-grown games in local markets.
Other changes in the 1970's were home gaming consoles which used game cartridges. That meant the people could collect games cartridges for one base unit instead of having bulky game console systems.
The 80s - some pause before the storm
1980's saw growing craze for the video and computer game craze, but online gaming wasn't on the horizon yet. New games with better sound and graphics were introduced and gained popularity. Pole Position and Pac-man were two that achieved big popularity. It was during 1980's when Nintendo introduced its first gaming system.
The 90s - revolution begins
The 1990's saw the phenomenal growth in both popularity and technology mostly because of the rise of 3-D and multimedia.
Myst, the intellectual adventure game introduced gaming on the CD-ROM format. Fancier 3-D graphics hardware made FPS (first person shooter) games such as Quake possible.
The late 1990's saw the exponential growth of the Internet, MUDs (multi-user dungeons) which made online games wildly popular. New and improved graphical interfaces had people all over the world playing against each other not only in FPS games but also in real time strategy games (RTS games) as well as third person games like Grand Theft Auto.
This was also the period when websites started offering online games such as tetris, ping pong, mario bros, super Mario, and other free online flash games and non-flash based games free for playing after registering with them. This really pushed online gaming into the popular psyche.
The 21st Century - world is just a playground
Early years of the 21st century were dominated by the DVD-CD-ROM. It has changed the way online games are played. The latest gaming systems such as Sony's play station and Microsoft's X-box have networking capabilities to enable people play with each other in real time from all over the world. Exponentially growing broadband internet services have made playing these online games possible in true sense of the word.
The only drawback to the constantly evolving technology for online games is that what you buy today might become obsolete by the next year. Luckily, for the serious gamers, the resale industry for these online games is huge. This resale industry is just another element to the ever-changing history of online game.
Susie is a game developer advocating to play online games free. Visit http://www.Play-Online-Games-Free.com to play tetris online for free.
Games that can be played online, with the help of the internet are often touted as online games. These games are played with the help of a computer and will require a feasible internet connection. The arena of online games is quite vast and is largely beyond the scope of 500 words, yet the author intents to pen down some of the important aspects of online gaming. There are many reasons so as to why online games are much preferred to offline games, we shall be looking into some of them too in this article.
There is distinct difference between online and offline games. The world of online gaming is still new to many and many in the developing and under developed nations still resort to offline gaming. In offline gaming the gamer will be challenging the artificial intelligence which has been programmed into the game and in online games the players will be virtually challenging other players. This adds to the realism because other gamers are controlling the other characters and hence the whole procedure will be challenging. This is one of the advantages and this happens to be one of the pioneer reasons for online gaming being much preferred to offline gaming.
Online games are broadly classified into free and paid online games. Free games can be downloaded and played free, while paid games will require you to pay for the downloading and game play process. You will be able to play free in the various online servers that are catering to this niche. Online servers are set up either by the game company or by the players themselves. A good and a reliable internet connection are required for the game play and it is much preferred to have a wired internet connection than a wireless internet connection.
Like the advantages, there are many disadvantages associated with this form of gaming. The main factor that comes into play in here is the addiction problems. Multiplayer online games are addictive in nature, because you are playing with other like humans. Some of the online games will require you t spend money for upgrading in-game activities and you might end up paying for more on those days. These simple marketing tactics are intended to fleece gamers out of their hard-earned money. However, some people have made gaming as their livelihood. They earn money developing and acting as a beta tester for game companies.
Online gaming is not allowed at work places all over the world. People tend to concentrate on such games during their work hours and this should be largely discouraged. Usually there are strict policies with the help of which such activities are always kept under control. Making use of precious bandwidth of the company is not tolerable and various firms resort to laying off such employees. The same can be applicable to children also who are hooked up in online gaming activities, they might ignore their studies and will end up hurting their future.
Find free online games to play at Packed.com. You can choose from a huge list of games and start playing.