Monday, May 2, 2011

Online Igrice - Games For 03.May.2011.

Rugby Kick
besplatne igrice - Rugby Kick
Aim the crosshair, adjust for the wind, set power and accuracy and score a goal!

Keep Ups
besplatne igrice - Keep Ups
See how long you can keep it in the air

igrice besplatne - Frantic
A fun game in which you must find the button on time.

Cartoon Quiz
besplatne igrice - Cartoon Quiz
Answer different questions about people from Family Guy, Simpsons, Futurama and other shows.

Skeet Shooting
igre besplatne - Skeet Shooting
Don't let the discs fly away, just aim and fire!

War Games
igre online - War Games
You are a young cadet, taking part in war games.